A Lesson from Pecan Pie

Toasted pecans laying over a corn syrup filling. The filling that is so bad for our health, but it tastes oh, so good. Pecan pie. I LOVE pecan pie. I literally can’t imagine a Thanksgiving or Christmas without it.

Ever since I moved to Tennessee, a group of friends has invited me to join them for Thanksgiving. Last year, we invited many people who had no where to go for the day. It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work, like staying up till midnight cooking up a storm. That’s a story for another day, though.

Before a big get together like Thanksgiving, a sign up sheet is set out to get an idea of what everyone will be bringing. At first I saw no one had signed up for pecan pie, so a few days before Thanksgiving I checked the sheet again and still no one had signed up for pecan pie. I texted a friend about the pie situation explaining how pie is very important.

I usually like to make the pecan pie, but I didn’t have all the ingredients, so I went out and braved the crowds to purchase one from a bakery.

On Wednesday night, my friends and I got together to clean and set up for Thanksgiving. One gentleman had signed up for pecan pie without my knowledge. Another gentleman comes in with a pecan pie from the exact same place I had purchased mine from.

So, now we were going to have three pecan pies. Three pecan pies. A pecan pie lover’s dream, as well as, a slight dose of miscommunication.

Through that whole pecan pie situation, I couldn’t help but think of a very valuable lesson…

Sometimes, we may hope and expect God to work in our lives a certain way. At the time, it may seem like He is not working or is no where in sight, but then when we least expect it God will provide more than we could ever ask for.

We simply need to trust and wait on His perfect timing.

That was my lesson from pecan pie this Thanksgiving. Did you have a similar lesson or learning experience from a Thanksgiving dish?

Let me know! I would love to hear it!


Photo cred & link for a pecan pie recipe: https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/old-fashioned-pecan-pie-recipe

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